Rattlesnake Grass (Briza maxima)

A common grass with overlapping seeds near the end of the stem that remind one of a rattlesnake’s rattles.  When dried out, the grass waves around in slight breezes (thus, Briza).

Field ID Tips

·         Distinctive seed cages have sections like the tail of a rattlesnake.

·         Thin stems and large seed cages cause the plant to move in light breezes.


Rattlesnake grass-2 Seed Thumb - South Mt Tam - Jan 2012


Rattlesnake Grass--2012-08-15 Eldridge Loop





Mountain Home To West Point Grasses


rattlesnake grass Full Web - South Mt Tam - Jan 2012 - BHS

Papery seed husks stay on the plant long after the rest of the flower is gone.