Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia and Quercus Wizlizeni)

Live Oaks are beautiful trees, with heavy twisting branches.  Leaves are a couple of inches long, evergreen and leathery.













Evergreen leaves





Field ID Tips

·         Stiff evergreen leaves. 

·         Leaf edges curl downward.  Edges often toothed, but this varies to an astonishing degree.


Interior Live Oak-Quercus wizlizeni-June 30 Mt Tam


Live Oak Acorns-Quercus wizlizeni-Aug 25 2012 Eldridge Loop



Kinds of Live Oaks

Cal Photos


Mountain Home To West Point Trees


Interior Live Oak--June 30 Mt Tam

First year acorns are round.  Second year acorns are long.


Interior LIve Oak-6-Quercus wizlizeni-May 8 2012 Mt Tam

 Catkins appear in the late spring.


Live Oak-Quercus wislizeni-Feb

Full grown oak trees are a signature sight in California.   Note dense growth near the ends of some branches – this is probably mistletoe or some other parisitic growth.