Redwood Sorrel (Oxalis oregana)

Redwood sorrel thrives under redwood trees, whose acidic needles and deep shade suppress growth of other plants.  Look closely at the flower – it has a striking variety of colors and shapes.













Green leaves


Pale pink to purple flowers



Field ID Tips

·         Blooms February to June.

·         5 petals, with purple stripes. 

·         Flower has beautiful yellow and green center with white-tipped stamens.

·         Heart-shaped leaves arranged in 3s.

·         Leaves appear to wilt in direct sunshine, and spread out in the shade.


Redwood Sorrel-6-Oxalis oregana-Feb 23 2012


Redwood Sorrel-5-Oxalis oregana-Feb 23 2012





Mountain Home to West Point Flowers


Redwood Sorrel-6-Oxalis oregana-Feb 23 2012-2

Although this seciman is purple, many sorrel flowers are white to pink.  Note the 3-leaf-clover leaves, made up of heart shapes.


Redwood Sorrel-5-Oxalis oregana-Feb 23 2012-2

This flower is further along in its development – the petals are separating, and will soon drop off.  However, the distinctive center is the same.