Coasta Morning Glory (Calystegia purpurata ssp. purpurata) aka Bindweed

Coastal Morning Glory flowers are big (about 3”), and bright, and are easy to pick out.  The leaves are distinctively arrow shaped.  Morning Glory is a vine, and often hangs down on rocks or other plants.













Evergreen leaves



White flowers tinged with purple or pink





Field ID Tips

·         Blooms April to September

·         5 petals are fused, making a single round disk, about 3” across.

·         White flower, with pink or purple tinges on the outside edge, and yellow-green in the center.

·         Arrow-shaped leaves.


Coastal Morning Glory-Calystegia purpurata-May 7 2012

Four yellow petals

Morning GLory Leaf Thumb



Long leathery leaves ending in a point.





Mountain Home to West Point Flowers


Coastal Morning Glory-2-Calystegia purpurata-July 11 2012 Pirates Cove-2

Morning glory vine hanging on a rock.


Coastal Morning Glory-Calystegia purpurata-Jan 11 2012-2


Morning glory leaves are arrow shaped.  As you can see, the flowers on the same plant can vary in color, depending on their stage of development.